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The German Startup Association's Next Generation Report shows the strength of our startup landscape...
To celebrate the anniversary of the MediaTech Hub Accelerator, we invited our partners, initiators and friends...

A mobile escape room brings interactive media education to Brandenburg This summer has seen a bright red truck coming to

The digital medical device closes a gap in healthcare provision Around 1.8 million people in Germany suffer from dementia, but

The sustainable film festival Green Visions Potsdam celebrates its premiere at the end of May...
Those who rely on video surveillance for security are often confronted with false alarms. This is where the startup promiseQ
Die Filmstudios Babelbsberg bleibt nach wie vor ein national und international bedeutender Filmstandort voller Möglichkeiten...
Übersetzter Text Around 800,000 people in Germany use sign language. In 2017, rBB launched selected accessible programmes for them...
The MediaTech startup VYVYT creates 3D spaces that act as places of remembrance and bring the bereaved together...
The startup Zauber enables immersive augmented reality tours into the past, future and urban planning...