The website is provided by
MediaTech Hub Potsdam Management GmbH
Marlene-Dietrich-Allee 12 a
14482 Potsdam
The MediaTech Hub Potsdam is supported by a consortium of representatives from the networks media:net berlinbrandenburg e.V., the Extended Reality Berlin-Brandenburg e. V. (XRBB), the Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, the state capital Potsdam and the Brandenburg Economic Development Corporation together with a large number of companies, scientific institutions, institutions and associations.
An initiative of 30 companies, institutions and associations launched the MediaTech Hub Potsdam:
Cluster ICT, Media and Creative Industries Berlin-Brandenburg; CPU 24/7; Fachhochschule Potsdam; Filmpark Babelsberg; Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF; Fraunhofer Institute für Telecommunications/Heinrich-Hertz-Institut; GEOkomm; Hasso-Plattner-Institut; Industrie- und Handelskammer Potsdam; Interlake Media and Interlake System; state capital Potsdam; media:net berlinbrandenburg; medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg; Medieninnovationszentrum Babelsberg; Metropolis VR; Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy; Mittelstand 4.0-Agentur Kommunikation; morro images; Pearls – Potsdam Research Network; proWissen Potsdam; QiO Technologies; Rotor Film; Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg; Silicon Sanssouci; Studio Babelsberg; Technologie- und Gründerzentren Potsdam; transfermedia production services; UFA; Universität Potsdam; Unternehmensverbände Berlin-Brandenburg (UVB); Extended Reality Berlin-Brandenburg e. V. (XRBB); Brandenburg Economic Development Corporation (WFBB); Wonderlamp Industries
Commercial register
Potsdam district court
HRB 31494
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according to § 27 a sales tax law: DE319757016
Responsibility for content within the meaning of § 5 DDG and § 18 para. 2 MStV
The pages are edited by MediaTech Hub Potsdam Management GmbH.
Marketing: Dennis Günzel
T. +49 331 58243548
Please send any questions or comments to:
Copyright of the pictures and videos
Unless otherwise noted: © MTH Potsdam
MediaTech Hub Potsdam Management GmbH
Marlene-Dietrich-Allee 12 a
14482 Potsdam
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