1. where is the MediaTech Hub Potsdam based?
MediaTech Hub Potsdam
is – as the name suggests – located in Potsdam. In the state capital of Brandenburg, the merger of media and Thttps://www.mth-potsdam.de/ueber-uns/echnologieunternehmen, start-ups, universities and research institutions is concentrated throughout the city. The management of the MediaTech Hub is located directly in the media city of Babelsberg.
MediaTech Hub Potsdam Management GmbH
Marlene-Dietrich-Allee 12a
14482 Potsdam
2 What makes Potsdam a MediaTech Hub?
With the expertise of the numerous companies and research institutions located here, the digital economy of the 21st century is concentrated here: media and IT. As a media location, the state capital is a leader at the interface between technical innovation and storytelling. Whether Studio Babelsberg with its more than 100 years of film tradition as a dream factory and think tank or the approximately 140 media companies based in Potsdam, the UFA as the German market leader in the film and television business, the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF as Germany’s first film university, the Hasso Plattner Institute as the largest privately financed IT research institution: Potsdam unites globally active media and technology companies, scientific excellence and innovative start-ups on a few hundred square kilometers.
Potsdam was chosen as the official MediaTech Hub by a panel of experts following a successful application for the Digital Hub Initiative of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. Since 2017, it has been one of a total of 12 digital hubs in Germany.
3. what is MediaTech?
The term MediaTech covers the entire spectrum of media technologies, from data visualization and augmented reality to volumetric film. MediaTech is already shaping our private and professional lives. We use apps to guide us through the museum or stream movies from the comfort of our own homes.
Terms such as digital media, digital engineering, virtual, mixed or augmented reality, artificial intelligence, blockchain, edutainment or e-learning formats, gamification, data visualization, 3D printing, cloud technology or volumetrics are just some of the many applications that bring us closer to content, support us in our work, inform us or entertain us through the interplay of media and technology.
4 Why MediaTech Hub?
The hub pools the local expertise of specialists and visionaries. MediaTech is not limited to the film or games sector, but is also relevant for the industry. The combination of narration and technical innovation has great potential. Information from production and distribution processes is processed visually and large volumes of data are managed using intelligent image recognition, text and speech analysis or generic knowledge databases. Virtual and augmented reality applications are already an integral part of today’s working world, for example in the development department of the aviation industry or for training in the healthcare sector.
5 What is the mission of the MediaTech Hub?
The MediaTech Hub has created a space for innovation and inspiration across industry boundaries. The interaction between MediaTech enthusiasts, specialists, scientists, thought leaders and start-ups is ensured by short distances and an open and lively community. Hub management supports entrepreneurship, makes the projects visible to the outside world and networks hub protagonists. This creates space for cooperation and strengthens the pioneering spirit. This is where media technologies of the future will be realized, developed and opened up to industry and SMEs beyond the entertainment sector. The MediaTech Hub Potsdam supports the start-up scene and is establishing itself as a unique contact point for those interested in the future of media technologies. The MediaTech Hub Potsdam places a particular focus on solutions for industry.
6 Who is part of the MediaTech Hub?
The MediaTech Hub stands for companies, founders, idea providers and research institutions that are active in the field of media technologies in Potsdam. You don’t have to become a member to be a member. Local companies are automatically part of the competence center. You can get actively involved, make contacts at hub events or contact the MediaTech Hub Management for ideas and collaboration projects.
7 Who is that exactly?
The entire MediaTech Hub Potsdam community includes around 80 companies, start-ups, universities and research facilities, institutions and networks.
The initiative that launched the MediaTech Hub at the location included 30 companies, institutions and associations:
Cluster IKT, Medien und Kreativwirtschaft Berlin-Brandenburg; CPU 24/7; Fachhochschule Potsdam; Filmpark Babelsberg; Filmuniversität Babelsberg Konrad Wolf; Fraunhofer-Institut für Nachrichtentechnik/Heinrich-Hertz-Institut; GEOkomm; Hasso-Plattner-Institut; Industrie- und Handelskammer Potsdam; Interlake Media und Interlake System; Landeshauptstadt Potsdam; media:net berlinbrandenburg; medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg; Medieninnovationszentrum Babelsberg; Metropolis VR; Ministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie des Landes Brandenburg; Mittelstand 4.0-Agentur Kommunikation; morro images; Pearls – Potsdam Research Network; proWissen Potsdam; QiO Technologies; Rotor Film; Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg; Silicon Sanssouci; Studio Babelsberg; Technologie- und Gründerzentren Potsdam; transfermedia production services; UFA; Universität Potsdam; Unternehmensverbände Berlin-Brandenburg (UVB); Virtual Reality e.V. Berlin Brandenburg; Wirtschaftsförderung Brandenburg (WFBB); Wonderlamp Industries.
8. can I become a member?
see question 6: You don’t have to become a member to be a member. Local companies are automatically part of the competence center.
9 Who can I contact?
Are you interested in setting up a company in Potsdam?
Then this is your first port of call:
” The business development department of the state capital of Potsdam is the central point of contact for companies, investors and start-ups within the city administration of Potsdam.
” The central contact for the state of Brandenburg is Wirtschaftsförderung Land Brandenburg GmbH (WFBB). The Media, ICT team is the point of contact for investors, resident companies and technology-oriented start-ups in the media and creative industries.
Are you a startup or would you like to found one?
” The MediaTech Hub Accelerator supports technology-based start-ups in the early stages.
” The contact point for business start-ups in Potsdam is the start-up service of the state capital Potsdam.
” The Brandenburg Economic Development Corporation (WFBB) offers start-up advice within its start-up, innovation and cluster coordination team.
Do you have a cooperation request or would you like to contact a company?
” The Hub Management is the interface to the stakeholders of the MediaTech Hub Potsdam.
Would you like to visit the site with a delegation?
” Then contact the MediaTech Hub Management to arrange appointments with companies or a site visit.
Are you an investor and would like to get in touch with startups or the Accelerator?
” The MediaTech Hub Accelerator team will be happy to help you.
10. what has happened since being selected as a MediaTech Hub in 2017?
You can find a timeline in our Press Kit (PDF) on pages 14-16.
11 What events are there?
The MTH Conference is Germany’s leading business event for future media technologies in entertainment and industry. It takes place annually in November at the Potsdam-Babelsberg location.
In addition, the MediaTech Hub Management regularly organizes get-togethers at the location, such as the Startup Meetup as a monthly open format for founders from Potsdam and beyond or the #mediatechtalk.
There are many other exciting events at the hub organized by the various players. You can find current dates in our event overview.
12. how do I find out about events, news and developments from the MediaTech Hub?
” Here you can subscribe to our monthly newsletter, which informs you about MediaTech applications, events and news: www.mth-potsdam.de/#newsletter or visit the Insights on our website.
” You can find our social media channels here:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MediaTechHubPotsdam/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MediaTech_Hub
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/mediatech-hub-potsdam
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mthpotsdam/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC48aWrGJIz-U9dN0mG-3OlQ
” Subscribe to the podcast from the MediaTech Hub: RAT.HUB | Dein Startup Podcast. Linda Rath, founder of the Potsdam start-up Vragments, regularly interviews founders to understand what makes them tick.
” Browse through our magazine: UNFOLD. The magazine for media technology and digital transformation from Babelsberg published by ad modum.
Or read it digitally: https://www.unfold-magazin.de/digitales-magazin-unfold/
13 How does the MediaTech Hub manage and finance itself?
The City of Potsdam is the client of MediaTech Hub Potsdam Management GmbH and is providing EUR 200,000 over the first three years, plus EUR 600,000 from GRW infrastructure funds from the State Ministry of Economic Affairs, also over three years. In addition to office and personnel costs, this finances activities such as marketing measures. The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy also funds the Hub Agency (RCKT) as the central agency for the Digital Hub Initiative and the GTAI for the international marketing of the initiative. The digital hubs finance themselves through sponsors and partners as well as the development of their own innovation programs.
14.what is the Digital Hub Initiative, of which the MTH is a part?
With the Digital Hub Initiative of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, Germany is strengthening its position as a leading global digital ecosystem and attractive digital location. Start-ups, companies and science come together in twelve digital hubs spread across Germany. By combining the expertise of established companies with innovative start-up ideas and scientific excellence, the Digital Hub Initiative promotes the emergence of a strong culture of innovation and new digital business models – from artificial intelligence to new mobility and smart infrastructure.
Further information: https://www.de-hub.de/
15 What is a Digital Hub of the initiative?
A digital hub is a competence location in Germany that is a particular leader in a digital field and is selected and further supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. This is where various players with a direct connection or affinity to digital and technology topics come together to exchange ideas and work together on projects. In the case of the Digital Hub Initiative, there are twelve digital hubs in 16 cities that are dedicated to various industry-specific key topics.
16 Who are the other hubs?
In addition to Potsdam, the digital hubs include:
” Berlin (IoT & FinTech )
” Dortmund (Logistics)
” Dresden/Leipzig (Smart Systems & Smart Infrastructure)
” Frankfurt/Darmstadt (FinTech & Cybersecurity)
” Hamburg (Logistics)
” Karlsruhe (Artificial Intelligence)
” Cologne (InsurTech)
” Mannheim/Ludwigshafen (Digital Chemistry & Digital Health)
” Munich (Mobility & InsurTech)
” Nuremberg/Erlangen (Digital Health)
” Stuttgart (Future Industries)
17 What are specific projects and developments at the MediaTech Hub?
We regularly publish concrete examples of MediaTech applications in our blog.
18 Which industries do the MediaTech Hub companies work for?
The companies in the MediaTech Hub are industry agnostic. Digital applications are developed that are aimed at both B2B and B2C target groups. Whether data visualization for scientific purposes, training programs for industrial productions or the healthcare sector, virtual reality experiences for gaming enthusiasts or cultural audiences: the expertise of the media experts can be used in future-oriented ways beyond the entertainment industry.