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Review | MTH Pop-up Bar – Punsch & Pitch

The year 2022 is coming to an end. For a perfect finish, the MediaTech Hub Potsdam, together with the Medieninnovationszentrum Babelsberg (MIZ), invited to an “MTH Pop-up Bar”. The MTH Pop-up Bar is an open networking format that takes place at different locations at the media location Babelsberg. Under the title “Punsch & Pitch” the winter edition of the Pop-up Bar has now taken place on December 1, 2022 at the MIZ.

The evening started with pitches from four start-ups from the MTH Accelerator MediaTech Hub Accelerator portfolio. On the event floor of MIZ, the teams memodio, Klangchat, freque and Denton Systems presented their current developments respectively and answered questions from the MTH community. Afterwards, 2Sync, also a portfolio team, presented a demo of their mixed reality technology, which could be tested on site. The event was followed by networking with warming mulled wine and delicious soup from Cookin’ Roll‘s mulled wine mobile.

Here are a few impressions of the evening: